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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Finished Promises...

Hello All! I am sure you probably thought I had disappeared or well that Twisty Twig had, but it is still here running in my veins! I am so excited about addressing my first set of envelopes starting in July for Grace and Phillip! (I will be starting the invites as soon as I get back from Europe which I am super excited about!)

So along with beginning to pack for Europe this evening I decided to tackle some Twisty Twig projects and I wanted to share them with you! I, of course worked on a "mock" Grace invitation.

Don't you love it because I sure do! Now have you noticed that sweet little logo/business card?!

A very long time ago I promised you that I would show you the exciting plans I had for this logo and here it is! While shopping at A.C. Moore I ran across these awesome letterpress paper in the size of business cards... purely AMAZING!

So here is my well used stamp (I stamped it fifty thousand times already because I was so excited!)

I ordered my stamp from Simon Stamps and it was absolutely perfect in every way!

Getting this stamp made me want to design so many new things so that I can have tons of personalized stamps! Haha.. I am actually in the process of designing a logo for a close friend and I can not wait to show you that... one day... we all know how slow my process is!

I hope everyone has a great start to summer and I will blog as soon as I get back and get started on Grace's invites! :)

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