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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Bows Equal Happiness

Here at Twisty Twig my dining room table is my workspace... but it is the perfect size. I have to have all necessary items close by, hence the Mac (for Facebook moments!) and the phone!

.... and in other news Grace and Phillips invitations are complete! I loved working on them so much and I am looking forward to the next great couple I will work with! Below are the beautifully packaged invitations....

Tissue paper is my friend... I love it and Hallmark is my favorite supplier!!! I also used my stamp to add a little bit of Twisty Twig to it! :)

To finish everything has to be wrapped in a bow... bows make people happy and me!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Ink Stained Fingers!

AHHHH! Ink stains! Haha actually they are welcomed here in my Twisty Twig world, but this is what happens after four hours of calligraphy! I am currently working on Grace and Phillip's invitations and I have 28 done with bunches more to go..... I am noticing though that I am getting better and quicker with time and I am actually having tons of fun with it!

Hope everyone had a wonderful fourth of July!!